
Project Title
Circular Procurement: Creating NSR critical mass through; purchasing power, alliance and capacity building, thus accelerate (CE) Circular Economy to her tipping point in 2022
Priority 2 Eco-innovation: Stimulating the green economy
Lead Beneficiary
Rijkswaterstaat, responsible for maininfrastructures in the Netherlands
Contact Person First Name
Contact Person Last Name
van Hasselt
One of the Rijkswaterstaat adressess
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Postal Code
Central Aim

  • New CE aligned approaches, ‘Green Deals’ on circular procurement, contribute to a more joined and NSR development of CE; leading to more CE capacity and thus resource efficiency.

  • Upscaled interrelated CE initiatives in participating NSR regions, create critical mass and accelerate Circular Economy to her tipping point in 2022.

Project Description

CircPro is a NSR Quadruple helix (civil, science, economy, governmental) transnational project of procuring bodies and other facilitating organisations with expertise and power, to accelerate CE.

- CircPro sets up and aligns Green Deal approaches of circular procurement in NSR countries, regions and cross cutting organisations to accelerate an inclusive NSR CE.

- CircPro starts a Pan European Umbrella (capacity building) body; fed by nationally facilitated Green Deal findings will identify lessons learned and share evidence based proven concepts. We will uild a transnational body of knowledge and infrastructure for professionalisation and education of CE transnational good practices.  We will support Green Deal pilots by connecting them, generating expertise, share proven circular business models and lessons learned. CircPro will multiply the number of pilots with circular procurement in the North Sea Region, stimulating, accelerating development and implementation of circular business models.

- CircPro will contribute to CE standardisation, European understanding (thus better cooperation opportunities in and between Green Deals) and more harmonised quality systems.

- CircPro helps the development and implementation of integrated profit loss, business models. Circular incentivized inclusive IPL business models will be promoted and contribute to a more equal level playing field for CE.

 - CE financial engineering will be included, like product as a service concepts that need investment-exploitation budget shifts and will impact roles of banks, SME’s and tendering bodies.

Proposed Work-packages. To be further defined with partner input.

  • WP 2: Communication and share proven concepts

  • WP 3: Green deals implementation, pilots, stakeholder engagements

  • WP 4: : Capacity building, creation of PAN European Umbrella. Education and training, develop transferable concepts. Cultural change, expertise and knowledge. True price calculations, CE business modelling, sell buy back arrangements.

  • WP 5: NSR region long term planning and policy. Contribute to CE harmonisation, standardization, EU policy based on local input. Develop middle and long term roadmap identifying CE needs, resources, opportunities and how to anticipate on them

Envisaged Output
  • Aligned implemented CE chain initiatives in built environment, office furniture, textile, ICT refurbishment, by also connecting tendering organisations. Based on IPL, integrated profit and loss PPP

  • CE viable business cases like product as a service concepts

  • Strong purchasing power of National and North Sea Region purchasing network groups through circular procurements create exponential demand and supply of CE products.

  • Million Euro invested in circular economy, xx% of (roughly) €400 billion yearly public spending in the NSR region

  • Tonnes resources saved, reused

  • Tonnes CO2 saved

What is the need for this project?

- Transnational upscaling of circular procurement is an important lever for circular economy, (Roughly €400 billion yearly public spending in the NSR region). Procurement has position and power to influence the product chain, to stimulate circular business models, to distinguish and promote circular offerings and to translate organisational, national and transnational ambitions into action

- Dutch and Flemish Green Deals on circular procurement are successful in stimulating and accelerating CE. They deserve transnational follow up through newly developed and improved Green Deal concepts to be transformed and implemented in regional and national settings. The strength of a Green Deal lies in the regional, national platform it provides, the potential for CE is enormous if the national Green Deals are interlinked in a transnational platform or umbrella.

- Many isolated, fragmented small CE initiatives in and between organisations are running, but still small and not able to make a transition to CE. A circular chair is circular by agreement and contract, otherwise it will become waste after its lifetime, procurement can facilitate thes contracts. CE needs upscaling and alignment to make a real transition. Linear business models are mainstream and conflict with Circular business models for example because of their short term focus. The market for CE products is small and can develop better when transnational demand increases.

- Poor and scattered expertise in circular tendering, CE business, hardly calculating long term savings, linear operational and capital financial planning impair CE implementations.

- Culture (and budget planning) in organizations impair CE development, employees have a linear focus based on linear incentives, managers are incentivising short term savings.

- Accountancy rules, shareholders value dynamics, impair a transition to inclusive CE.

- CE is never limited to national borders, it is a transnational concept in itself. CE faces shared territorial challenges, CE markets are fragmented, small regional demand and supply impair viable CE. Often European suppliers must be involved for to small local markets. (Enough critical mass is a precondition for accelerating Circular Economy).

 - European-, national policy and legislation are fragmented, think of legislation defining resources as waste and so treated as such. What are (long term) needs, opportunities and how to deploy them? CircPro will have a facilitating role in it by delivering experience and knowledge based input for these discussions.

Thematic Keywords
Promoting green economic activity
Sustainable resource use
Other Keywords
Circular Procurement
Partners Found Already


Partners Searched

Looking for a Quadruple (civil, science, economy, governmental) partners in North Sea Region:

Public and private partners that will make the difference in the transition from (LE) Linear Economy to (CE) Circular Economy.

Purchasing organisations that make critical mass create purchasing power, willing to contribute to CE transition. Think of; aiming to spend 10% of their procurement budget circular.

Knowlegde and expertise centres, universities etc about:

  • Circular economy.
  • Circular procurement.
  • Financial engineers, OPEX, CAPEX shifts, banks, auditors etc.

Umbrella organisations committed to CE.

NGO’s representing civil society and having CE expertise to set up and facilitate Green Deals (supported by experienced partners).


Looking for three kind of partners:

  • Beneficiaries in the project, getting subsidy.

  • Coordinating beneficiaries, coordinating co-beneficiaries, getting subsidy.

  • Allied partners, not getting subsidy but participating in, for example Green Deal arrangements, facilitated by CircPro.

Estimated Budget

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