Eco-efficiency improvements in FArm systems to REduce livestock emissions
FAREemissions aims to reduce harmfull emissions (GHG, acidifying and eutrophying pollutants and fine particles) from animal production. FAREemissions will stimulate the adoption and implementation from novel technologies and solutions mitigating harmfull emissions by poultry and dairy farms resulting in a competitive, sustainable and environmentally friendly livestock production, including animal health and welfare.
FAREemissions will reduce GHG emissions by focussing on (1) the adoption and implementation of novel or improved technologies that directly seek to reduce emission (e.g. air-scrubers, fine dust filters) and (2) the development and demonstration of precise management measures to improve animal production and farm effeciency; (a) feed & nutrition efficiency (e.g. improved forage quality), (b) manure management (e.g. manure storage and application), (c) improving animal health while increasing productive lifetime of animals.
Besides knowledge exchange on technologies, solutions and systems to reduce emissions of animal production FAREemission also wants to exchange knowledge on improving monitoring of livestock emissions and results mitigating measures.
number of emission reducing technologies jointly improved, tested and demonstrated
number of management measures developped, tested and demonstrated
Agriculture, and animal production, faces the challenges to meet the increasing demand for food safety and security, while contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions envisaged in international agreements en taking animal health and welfare in to account.
Reduce carbon emissions
Sustainable resource use
Take up of new technologies
Experimental Poultry Centre, Geel, Belgium
research institutes, farmers organisation, advisors, private industry (