Scale up SMART GRID innovations

Project Title
Scale up SMART GRID innovations
Scale up SMART GRID innovations
Priority 2 Eco-innovation: Stimulating the green economy
Lead Beneficiary
Contact Person First Name
Contact Person Last Name
van der Veen
St Jansstraat 4
P.O. Box
postbus 610
Postal Code
9700 AP
Central Aim

This project aims to scale up the implementation of smart grids pilots and to explore barriers and possibile solutions, implement it in pilots and seek to mainstream the innovations found in the pioneer pilot projects.

Further focus is possible on a test bed for block chain technology, as a tool to decentralize energy markets.

Project Description


To achieve the policy aims of CO2 reduction, a shift towards energy systems based on renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind power is necessary. But reliance on RES is vulnerable to intermittency at the same time. For a complete transition of the energy systems, storage and balancing possibilities needs to be fully explored and stimulated. In a sustainable energy system, flexibility exists on the energy demand and supply side, in transport grids and through energy storage.


Smart grid solutions focus on smart devices in households & firms, combined with big data management to build smart networks on different scales. Many pilots are being developed in regions all over Europe, but mostly in small areas (neighbourhood level), while energy flexibility is optimal in bigger areas. But for companies and private consumers it is not always clear what's in it for them and for climate adaptation. To engage larger groups of end users and implement smart grids in larger regions, is still a challenge. Larger implementation is often also accompanied by regulatory and financial barriers. So in general terms, to implement innovative results of smart grid pilots is still the main big challenge.


Work packages 3-6 reflect (draft - possibly combined at a later stage):

WP1 Management

WP2 Communication & dissemination

WP3 Technological aspects (ICT, blockchain, open source energy market tools)

WP4 Financial aspects (market introduction)

WP5 Jurisdictional aspects

WP6 End users & privacy aspects

Concrete activitities are still open / need to be defined (discussed with partners at Conference in Gottingen):

- possible focus on block chain technology 

- possible focus on testing ICT solutions and privacy matters

- possible focus on consumer behaviour (exchange experiences with other sustainable energy pilots is possible too).

Envisaged Output

- Transnational cooperation in quadruple helix - combining experience to speed up transition

- Smart grid experience detailed exchange on barriers and solutions

- Experience with blockchain technology in energy transition

- Enabling energy "prosumers"

- possible market introduction / test bed of ICT soltutions / technology

What is the need for this project?

To enable RES in future energy systems (2020/2030), big efforts are needed now to explore the possible solutions for intermittency and type of complex energy grids.

Thematic Keywords
Renewable energy
Smart grid technologies
Sustainable resource use
Take up of new technologies
Other Keywords
block chain, consumer behaviour
Partners Found Already

Netherlands Groningen knowlegtde insitutes: Eenergy Valley / Enmergy acedemy / Entrance (TNO can virtually test large scale implementation at the HESI Lab EnTranCe, Groningen, The Netherlands).

Germany Smart City Laboratory Fliegerhorst (Oldenburg)

Partners Searched

Sought: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, UK, Belgium

- Partners reflect the quadruple helix and the total parntership have expertise on each of the work packages 3-6.

- The partnership also aims for geographically spread to optimally represent the complementarity of physical conditions, technological progress and infrastructure and consumer/society attitudes.

Estimated Budget

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